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Tag: Gratitude

On Gratitude

4 years ago

248 words

Happy Wednesday, everyone! I realize there are many things going on in the world and in our nation that make “happiness” difficult to find. I was doing some stamping earlier, then listened to a podcast before I peeked at some headlines. Sigh. What a complicated, broken world we live in. The way I get through…

Always Thankful

7 years ago

693 words

Remember when I said I was going to do one of these posts every Wednesday this month?  Oh well… this turned into something different than originally planned, and is finally being completed.  But hopefully, it will touch you in some way. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I am continuing to keep myself focused on the…

He is Risen!

9 years ago

221 words

Happy Easter! It is getting late, but I just wanted to write a brief post.  I love Easter; I love all of Holy Week!  I was blessed to have a wonderfully full week with Church and family. I feel exhausted physically, but refreshed spiritually.  Not a bad combination. This morning I sang the Easter Sequence…

Kim Padan - Inspirational Speaker