Happy Wednesday, everyone! I realize there are many things going on in the world and in our nation that make “happiness” difficult to find. I was doing some stamping earlier, then listened to a podcast before I peeked at some headlines. Sigh. What a complicated, broken world we live in. The way I get through…
Grateful for a Growing Family!
It’s November 1st…Happy All Saints Day! I love this Solemnity and the time to recall all the wonderful saints who have gone before us. While I think of some of my favorites – Saints Dominic & Catherine of Siena, Saint Maximilian Kolbe, our Blessed Mother Mary – I also think of the countless saints whose…
Thanksgiving Blessings
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day here in the US. I am blessed to be visiting my mom in South Carolina for the week. Games of Yahtzee and comfort food have adorned the week, with plenty more to come! Here are a few random thoughts on some not-so-random blessings. My dad was transferred with his company right…
In everything…
It’s a chilly, damp Wednesday and my to-do list is far longer than I would like it to be. Mostly because I all but ignored it yesterday. Fatigue and arthritic pain have a way of putting a halt to my days. I tried upbeat music, some Netflix…sigh. It’s just one of those days. But even…
Always Thankful
Remember when I said I was going to do one of these posts every Wednesday this month? Oh well… this turned into something different than originally planned, and is finally being completed. But hopefully, it will touch you in some way. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I am continuing to keep myself focused on the…
A Season of Gratitude
It’s November 1st…All Saints Day! Bruce and I went to Mass this morning at Holy Family Church here in Danville, since it worked best with his work schedule. Beautiful hymns, beloved Scripture passages, heartfelt prayers, and even first class relics of some amazing Saints made it a wonderful way to start our day. I truly…
Days of Gratitude: Cubs Win!
I really had not planned on doing the #30DaysofGratitude theme this year, because I knew I wouldn’t keep up with it. Here it is, November 5th, and I am just getting around to writing my first post in 2 weeks. Where have I been? Watching and being completely distracted by the most amazing post season…
#MondayMercy: Give Drink to the Thirsty
Many months ago, as I was preparing for my first Embrace Mercy talk, I contemplated doing a series on the Works of Mercy. I forgot all about that idea until this morning when I had an a-ha moment. There are not enough Mondays left in this Jubilee Year of Mercy to give each one of…
He is Risen!
Happy Easter! It is getting late, but I just wanted to write a brief post. I love Easter; I love all of Holy Week! I was blessed to have a wonderfully full week with Church and family. I feel exhausted physically, but refreshed spiritually. Not a bad combination. This morning I sang the Easter Sequence…
30 Days of Gratitude…Day #3
Hey, look…it’s around 10:00 pm again! This better not become a habit! Bruce is working another 12 hour shift, and he called me a couple of hours ago while on break. He asked about my day; I spent most of it in Peoria for a Diocesan Council of Catholic Women event. I knew it would…