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Tag: Disability Awareness

Special Project!

7 years ago

124 words

Just a quick note to share some exciting news.  Earlier this year, I was invited to contribute a personal reflection for a new book by Catholic author and speaker Colleen C Mitchell!  I met Colleen in June of 2016 at the Finding Your Fiat women’s conference here in the Peoria Diocese.  The book is available at Franciscan…

#WorthRevisit: Lion or a Lamb?

9 years ago

459 words

  Once again, I am participating in the Worth Revisiting Link-up found at Reconciled to You.  I did this last week for the first time, and truly enjoyed reading many other posts.  I also enjoy looking back on my own older posts.  This post is from March 2, 2015. ********************************************************************************************** You know the old saying…

I May Have a “Deformed” Left Hand, but…

10 years ago

519 words

Earlier this week, I read an article that both angered and saddened me.  The title grabbed my attention, because it specifically mentions “a ‘deformed’ left hand.”  I almost could not finish reading it.  An Australian woman chose to have an abortion because her unborn child would have a physical “problem” and might face discrimination in…

Kim Padan - Inspirational Speaker