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Tag: Scripture

Do you believe?

4 years ago

802 words

On August 1, 2020 I made my Final Profession (finally!) as a Lay Dominican, and today is the Feast of St. Dominic!. It was a long process, and I know I will always have more to learn. Our chapter had been meeting via conference calls for several months, but this month we were able to…

Who is Jesus?

5 years ago

1372 words

I presented this reflection to my Lay Dominican group, the Mary Magdalene Chapter in West LaFayette IN. Due to social distancing, we met via conference call. I look forward to seeing my friends again soon! Who is Jesus? This is the principle question we must ask ourselves and those we love. Who is this Jesus…

Are You Ready for Him?

7 years ago

882 words

Yesterday, I shared this reflection at my Lay Dominican meeting.  After a few tweaks, I thought I’d share it here, too! ***************************************************** In the Gospel passage for this weekend, we hear Jesus telling us to be watchful, to keep our eyes open. Jesus issues this directive many times throughout the Gospels. It is very clear…

Fifth Sunday of Lent Reflection

8 years ago

981 words

I read the following reflection at my Lay Dominican meeting this weekend. (St. Mary Magdalene Chapter, St. Albert the Great Province)  We take turns sharing reflections, usually using the Sunday Gospel reading. ********************* This weekend, the Church will once again hear the remarkable Gospel passage of Lazarus being raised from the dead.  This miracle is…

Kim Padan - Inspirational Speaker