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Hey, everyone…It’s Still Christmas!

7 years ago

320 words

Merry 5th Day of Christmas!

No, my true love did not give me five golden rings today.  But that’s okay; my wedding ring is all I need on my hands!  Bruce and I did go shopping today for some great-nieces and nephews, because we have another Christmas gathering to attend this weekend.  I hope my jeans still fit on Monday!

Of course, many families celebrate Christmas over various days, due to work and travel schedules.  But no matter what day Christmas falls on, my family has always celebrated the 12 Days of Christmas in some way.  Today our tree is still up, and the numerous lights outside are still lit.  They look extra special with the fresh snow!

I did receive a special gift from my husband today…through the mail.  I received my brand new Catholic journaling Bible from Blessed is She!  Many of my non-Catholic friends have enjoyed journaling Bibles for years.  With extra space for notes and even some artistic doodling, they become very personal treasures.  The Bible I have been using for years has notes from friends, signed while on different retreats years ago.  Many of the notes were written while I was pregnant with Gabriel.  We didn’t know he was a boy at the time, so prayers for “Baby Padan” adorn my Bible.  I will never get rid of it because of that.  In this upcoming New Year, though, I am seeking a fresh start in many things.  2017 has been blessed, but it has also been difficult.  A fresh look at God’s Word will be a big start to new beginnings.  As I dig deeper, I will undoubtedly feel His presence even more, and will be ready to tell people of His marvelous deeds day after day…far beyond the 12 Days of Christmas!

By the way, I think my “Subscribe” button is working now…I hope you sign up!  I’ll see you in the New Year!

Kim Padan - Inspirational Speaker