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30 Days of Gratitude…Day #3

9 years ago

221 words

30 Days of GratitudeHey, look…it’s around 10:00 pm again!  This better not become a habit!  Bruce is working another 12 hour shift, and he called me a couple of hours ago while on break.  He asked about my day; I spent most of it in Peoria for a Diocesan Council of Catholic Women event.  I knew it would be perfect to blog about it.  But the writer’s mojo didn’t show up until just now.  I have always been a night owl!

This Women’s Day of Remembrance brought over 65 women (and a few husbands!) to Peoria today.  Our speaker, Father Verrier, shared so much on devotion to the Holy Souls.  It was informative, but more than that, it was inspiring!

There is something special about women of faith gathering for prayer and fellowship.  Many come from miles away..many have been attending these DCCW events for years.  I am fairly new to the group, so I have many names to learn.  But I absolutely love how quickly these women will strike up a conversation.  There is a simple joy that exudes when Christ is the center off all you do!

So today for this #30DaysofGratitude, I am thankful for a community of faith, a fellowship of women who follow Christ, a bond strengthened by Sacramental Love and Grace!  This is the stuff that lasts through eternity!

One Reply to “30 Days of Gratitude…Day #3”

  1. Kim I’m so happy to know you were inspired and how much you enjoyed the day! The Holy Souls truly are one of our best allies along with our Guardian Angels.
    May the souls in purgatory rest in peace!! Amen!!!!!

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Kim Padan - Inspirational Speaker