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A Season of Gratitude

7 years ago

435 words

It’s November 1st…All Saints Day!  Bruce and I went to Mass this morning at Holy Family Church here in Danville, since it worked best with his work schedule.  Beautiful hymns, beloved Scripture passages, heartfelt prayers, and even first class relics of some amazing Saints made it a wonderful way to start our day.  I truly love this Holy Day!

November is also a time when many people focus on the theme of Gratitude, or Thanksgiving, in their lives.  We should always be grateful, of course.  But I do believe a seasonal nudge can be good for us; it certainly is for me.  In many ways it has been a difficult year for me, but when I really think about it, I am blessed beyond measure.  I hope to share some of those blessings each Wednesday this month, both as an encouragement to others and as a praise to Almighty God!  Here’s a start:

  • I am grateful for my Catholic faith, and for the way the Church honors the Saints who have gone before us. They truly are our extended family!
  • I am grateful for the Truths of Sacred Scripture which shape my entire life, not just Sundays.  Hearing today’s passage from Revelation made me smile…the Angels and Saints are praising God for all eternity!  And we are invited to be a part of it…Amazing!
  • I am grateful for my loving and lovable husband who shares his faith with me…and who enjoys belting out hymns at morning Mass!  Having a common belief system is a big part of why we have made it through so many difficult times.  He truly is a gift from God.

I realize each person has different struggles and different blessings.  If we choose to focus on the struggles, like a cranky co-worker or chronic health problem, we end up being the cranky ones.  (Ask me how I know!)  Instead, let us choose to focus on the blessings, the gifts.  Let us exercise gratitude.   Here is a lovely quote from one of my favorite Saints:

Prayer is an aspiration of the heart.  It is a simple glance directed to heaven.  It is a cry of gratitude and love in the midst of trial as well as joy.                                                                                                                                                           St. Therese of Lisieux

In the midst of trial as well as joy…that is the key.  So this month on Facebook and in this little blog, I will exercise gratitude, even on the tough days.  I will pray with thanksgiving in my heart for the countless blessings God has bestowed upon me.  To Him be glory forever and ever…Amen!

Kim Padan - Inspirational Speaker