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Grateful for a Growing Family!

6 years ago

235 words

It’s November 1st…Happy All Saints Day!  I love this Solemnity and the time to recall all the wonderful saints who have gone before us.  While I think of some of my favorites – Saints Dominic & Catherine of Siena, Saint Maximilian Kolbe, our Blessed Mother Mary – I also think of the countless saints whose names I do not know.  They are all family to me…to the entire Church!

And speaking of family, mine continues to grow!  This year three little ones were added, two born in the last 6 days and one still growing inside her mommy!  I can’t share pictures at this time, but thanks to Facebook I have seen many of a precious nephew born last Friday and a great-niece born today.  One of my favorite verses tell us

Behold, children are a gift of the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward.

Psalm 127:3

Large families are not as popular these days, but there is not a single child I would give up!  The cooing of a newborn, the giggles of a toddler, even the bickering of teenagers are all reminders of the beauty of LIFE and LEGACY.  I am immensely grateful that God has chosen to bless our family with so many unique personalities through each person who has been created in Imago Dei…the Image of God.  That gratitude will last far beyond the 30 days of November!

Kim Padan - Inspirational Speaker