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Tag: Gratitude

Rejoicing for Families!

10 years ago

520 words

Happy Feast of the Holy Family! Each year on the Sunday after Christmas, the Church celebrates this beautiful feast.  Earlier today, I was blessed to see families together at Mass..many whom I know dearly, some just well enough to say “hi.”  Families with young children, families who just started life as “empty-nesters,” single adults…all gathered…

I May Have a “Deformed” Left Hand, but…

10 years ago

519 words

Earlier this week, I read an article that both angered and saddened me.  The title grabbed my attention, because it specifically mentions “a ‘deformed’ left hand.”  I almost could not finish reading it.  An Australian woman chose to have an abortion because her unborn child would have a physical “problem” and might face discrimination in…

7 Quick Takes’ Debut on Gabriel’s Mom

10 years ago

797 words

Over at my other blog, I joined in the Friday “7 Quick Takes” made popular by blogger/speaker/writer Jennifer Fulwiler. I read her conversion story earlier this summer; it was funny, inspiring, and heart-warming. The idea is to post about 7 random things, nothing too serious. It’s been a while since I have “played,” but I…

Kim Padan - Inspirational Speaker