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Tag: Prayer

Return to God

3 years ago

220 words

It’s not just any Wednesday, it’s Ash Wednesday. So much could be said about this day and about the season of Lent. But this passage from Mass this morning is one of my favorite reminders of what this is all about. “Even now, says the Lord, return to me with your whole heart, with fasting,…

Finding My Way

3 years ago

505 words

It’s Wednesday again, but I am doing things a bit differently. Usually, on Wednesdays, I post something on my Facebook page about prayer and gratitude. Often, I post late at night. (I am definitely a night owl.) Today I am posting early! But as this post is titled, I am trying to find my way…

Find Rest

4 years ago

197 words

It’s another Wednesday! My heart and mind are filled with thoughts of friends and family experiencing hard times. Sickness of a child. Struggles in a new job. Death of a loved one. Each of us, at one time or another, is heavily burdened with something. But God promises He will help us carry the burden.…

God Bless America!

4 years ago

306 words

In a few days, the United States will be celebrating Independence Day. Not too long ago, this was a holiday that brought people together, regardless of political or religious affiliation. Now, sadly, it is steeped in controversy. I don’t deny the unfortunate parts of our history. Every society has an ugly side. But I also…

Only in God

4 years ago

316 words

It’s Wednesday, and so I am sharing my “prayer post” from Facebook here. Plus, I’ll add more thoughts since I have more room! The first psalm in tonight’s evening prayer (Liturgy of the Hours) is Psalm 62. It is my favorite psalm, and I love a lot of psalms! I have heard and sung many…

Another Spring Day

4 years ago

244 words

Another beautiful spring day! With windows open, I love hearing the birds singing. Even hearing the hum of motorcycles go up and down the nearby busy streets makes me smile. We were able to visit some family in Rockville for Easter Sunday which REALLY made me happy! Now, Bruce & I are looking at options…

Kim Padan - Inspirational Speaker