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Return to God

3 years ago

220 words

It’s not just any Wednesday, it’s Ash Wednesday. So much could be said about this day and about the season of Lent. But this passage from Mass this morning is one of my favorite reminders of what this is all about.

“Even now, says the Lord, return to me with your whole heart, with fasting, and weeping, and mourning; Rend your hearts, not your garments, and return to the Lord, your God.” (Joel 2:12-13a)

Return. To. God.

Even those of us who have been in Christ for decades often stumble. We each have sins that are way too comfortable. We rationalize instead of acknowledging that there are chunks of our life that need significant change.

We cannot do this on our own. We need God’s grace. The amazing thing is that His grace is available right now. And it will be available again tomorrow. And the next day.

I want to have a good Lent because the more I can purge my bad habits, the more open I am to God’s Presence. That, in turn, will make Easter 2022 more beautiful, more incredible. I will still use social media a bit, but definitely less than usual. I’ll keep up my Wednesday prayer posts because I love praying for y’all! Speaking of which, how can I pray for you this week?

Kim Padan - Inspirational Speaker