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Tag: Holiness

Return to God

3 years ago

220 words

It’s not just any Wednesday, it’s Ash Wednesday. So much could be said about this day and about the season of Lent. But this passage from Mass this morning is one of my favorite reminders of what this is all about. “Even now, says the Lord, return to me with your whole heart, with fasting,…

Do you believe?

5 years ago

802 words

On August 1, 2020 I made my Final Profession (finally!) as a Lay Dominican, and today is the Feast of St. Dominic!. It was a long process, and I know I will always have more to learn. Our chapter had been meeting via conference calls for several months, but this month we were able to…

Who is Jesus?

5 years ago

1372 words

I presented this reflection to my Lay Dominican group, the Mary Magdalene Chapter in West LaFayette IN. Due to social distancing, we met via conference call. I look forward to seeing my friends again soon! Who is Jesus? This is the principle question we must ask ourselves and those we love. Who is this Jesus…

99 Years & Counting!

6 years ago

219 words

This week, I am attending the annual convention of the National Council of Catholic Women. I have been serving on the Peoria Diocesan board since 2015; as President since 2016 (insert gasp!) Founded in 1920, NCCW has resources available for parishes across the country, and I am looking forward to meeting new friends and connecting…

Kim Padan - Inspirational Speaker