It’s NOT Wednesday! It’s Thursday, but God creates every day, so here I am.
By the time I pondered posting this last night, I was just too tired. The days are technically getting longer, but my body can’t tell the difference yet! I am working on some writing and stamping projects, very much aware of the near end of the calendar year. So many things I wanted to accomplish that have not been done, or only partially completed. And yet, I have other unexpected blessings to celebrate like a titanium hip and my new role as spirituality commission chair for the National Council of Catholic Women. I never saw either of those coming!
We can make plans; indeed we need to plan some things. However, we must be flexible enough to welcome God’s presence and HIS plan for our lives. That’s not an excuse to drop the ball (I have done that more than I care to admit) but to pick it up again if God calls you to do so. Or change which ball you are carrying, or where you are taking it to…
Good grief. What’s with the vague sports analogy? Anyway…if something on your 2021 to-do list is unfinished, take it to God in prayer. Ask Him if you need to pursue it in the coming year or if you need to focus on something new. I’ll be praying about my own path for following God in 2022, and I will pray for you as we flip the calendar. Let me know if there is something in particular that needs prayer.