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He is Risen! Alleluia!

10 years ago

599 words

He is Risen!  Alleluia!

At the time I began to write this Easter post, I was in the car on the way to Rockville Indiana to visit with many of my in-laws.  I have quite a few, so it is hard to see all of them at once!  I wrote most of this with pen and paper, scribbling almost illegibly.  My handwriting is bad enough on its own; add the awkwardness of car bumps and turns and it could easily pass for a physician’s script!  (No offense intended to all my doctor friends!)

But as I am typing, it is one day later, and I am in another state.  My husband and I just arrived in St. Louis Missouri for the Heartbeat International Annual Conference.  I will be attending many sessions this week, networking with friends and colleagues, and cheering for my beloved Chicago CUBS in “enemy territory.”  Ironically, the Cubs are playing the Cards this week, but at Wrigley Field instead of Busch Stadium.  My husband is a diehard Cards fan, so he is quite content with our current surroundings.

But I want to tell you about our Easter.  Bruce and I began our Easter celebration on Saturday night with Easter Vigil Mass at a sister parish, Holy Family Church in Danville.  My good friend Kari sang in the choir and she have given me a heads-up about the music.  They did not disappoint! I love the Easter Vigil any way, with the richness of so many scripture readings, psalms sung, and clouds of incense rising up with our prayers.  The joyful “Alleluias” ring out over and over again, as we join our voices with the Church worldwide!  We also witnessed two women profess their faith, and then come to the Lord’s table for the first time.  My eyes welled up with tears of joy as these women joined the covenant family!

We continued our Alleluia’s Sunday morning at our own parish, St. Paul’s.  Most of the music was different, but beautiful in its own way…plus so fun to sing!  Both celebrations closed with “Jesus Christ is Risen Today” because few hymns express the TRIUMPH of the Resurrection so well!

While Bruce and I treasure the sacred celebrations of Easter at our Church, we know that time with family is also sacred.  Each family member is created by God!  Each family member is made in His image, just as we heard proclaimed in the creation story Saturday night.  I am so blessed to be gifted with this family.  We went to Rockville to celebrate with four generations of Padans!  My mother-in-law, Dorothy, was there along with many of Bruce’s siblings, plus many of their kids, plus their kids.  Yes, I realize that that is what four generations means!  One of our great-nieces turned one year old the week before Easter, so we celebrated her first birthday.  Of course, I believe she is incredibly cute…and I can say that confidently about ALL of my great-nieces and nephews.  Actually, I only have one great-nephew.  He’s adorable, but outnumbered big time.  Here’s hoping for another little guy to come along to keep him company!

So Easter 2015 began beautifully…and the celebration continues!  Alleluia is our song!  We ARE an Easter people!  We celebrate the gift of new life…whether it is new Church members or new cute babies.  We can look through Sacred Scripture and in family photos to see the numerous blessings God has for us.

May the RISEN Lord Jesus bless you and your family abundantly in this joyful season!

Kim Padan - Inspirational Speaker