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10 years ago

953 words

Today, hundreds of thousands of people are gathering in Washington DC for the annual March for Life.  Bruce and I had hoped to go this year, but he had surgery earlier this month to get rid of some pesky kidney stones.  (He is recovering well!) Even so, this particular year the March is very special to…

Card Making, Brittany Maynard, and the Virtue of Hope

10 years ago

800 words

It has been a while since I have stopped by here.  Today, however, I just really feel like I need to put some thoughts down…adding to the plethora of articles and online chatter surrounding a beautiful young woman who chose to end her life this past weekend. I first heard about Brittany Maynard on Facebook…

A few thoughts on “After Tiller”

11 years ago

1094 words

By now, you may have heard that PBS will be showing a film tonight entitled “After Tiller” as an installment in their POV series. This film has received numerous accolades from abortion rights supporters across the country. In this film four abortionists are interviewed, and we are supposed to admire their “courage” for being willing…

Kim Padan - Inspirational Speaker