It’s Wednesday! True confession here…I have been looking through my pictures with verses and wasn’t sure what to post. I looked through other pictures without scripture verses, then tried to select a good verse. Instead, I am sharing this fun picture taken by my sister-in-law, Nancy, a while ago and I am pairing it up…
#WorthRevisit: The Holy Innocents

(In the liturgical calendar of the Latin Church (Roman Catholic), December 28th is the Feast of the Holy Innocents. I posted this three years ago. Because the Sanctity of Human Life is still so important to me, I wanted to share as a #WorthRevisit post. I am linking up on Reconciled to You and Theology…
Special Project!

Just a quick note to share some exciting news. Earlier this year, I was invited to contribute a personal reflection for a new book by Catholic author and speaker Colleen C Mitchell! I met Colleen in June of 2016 at the Finding Your Fiat women’s conference here in the Peoria Diocese. The book is available at Franciscan…
#WorthRevisit: #EveryLifeisaGift
It’s time for another Wednesday #WorthRevisit. Plus I am continuing my focus on Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month. Tomorrow is Gabriel’s birthday. He would be 22 years old if he was still living on this earth. Hard to believe it sometimes. I will be speaking next week at the local Pregnancy and Infant Loss…
#WorthRevisit: Grab Your Umbrella!
It’s Wednesday, which means I am revisiting a post from before, and linking it up to Reconciled to You and Theology is a Verb. I appreciate these two blogs sharing my posts, but I am also happy to discover other blogs too! This post originally appeared in August 2015. Students for Life Illinois will be…
#WorthRevisit: My Deformed Left Hand
It’s time for a #WorthRevisit post! Today, a friend tagged me in a Facebook “memory” from four years ago. It was a picture (not the one below) from the local Walk for Life. It sparked memories for me too, as it was one of the last events I served as Executive Director. I remembered that…
#WorthRevisit: Mothers, Earth, and Babies
I love this Wednesday “WorthRevisit link-up! I am prepping this in advance because I will be busy at the Heartbeat International conference. I looked at some prolife posts from the past, and decided to revisit this one. It’s a long post, but one of my favorites because it is near and dear to my heart.…
#WorthRevisit: Divine Mercy
Today I am sharing a post from September of 2014. I am doing this as part of the link-up “Worth Revisiting Wednesday” at the blog Reconciled to You with Allison Gingras. I have never participated in this link-up before, but today is the perfect day to do so. You see, this post is about praying…
#WhyWeMarch 2016
It is late on a Saturday night. I should be in bed, but my head is racing with plans for tomorrow. Like every Sunday morning, I will attend Mass with my husband. After Mass, we will head home for a hearty breakfast, then bundle up in many many layers. Tomorrow is the March for…
Happy Birthday, Gabriel
I have had a very quiet day of rest. After a busy weekend of speaking and traveling, I just needed some down time. With that down time comes lots of time to reflect and remember. Today would be Gabriel’s 21st birthday. I talked about Gabriel a lot this weekend, as I shared my pro-life…