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30 Days of Gratitude… Day 2

9 years ago

254 words

30 Days of GratitudeOh my.  It is nearly 10 p.m.  I haven’t forgotten about this post, I have just been busy doing other things.  Bruce and I got up early this morning and went to Mass for All Souls Day, then enjoyed breakfast at one of our favorite eateries.  He had to go into work for a 12 hour shift, so we wanted to have a nice morning together.  After he left, I was busy with laundry (ugh) and creating a display for the Evangelization Commission of the Peoria Diocesan Council of Catholic Women.  Whew!  (I’ll admit to spending too much time playing Trivia Crack too.  What can I say?  It is aptly named!)

So on this 2nd Day of November, what sparks a grateful heart?

I am grateful for a cozy home, filled with plenty of clothes and our own washing machine and dryer.  I am grateful for a home office that doubles as a craft room, supplied with pretty card stock, ribbon, ink, rubber stamps, and so much more!

And I  am grateful that my husband has a job that he enjoys, that has good pay and benefits, and that provides for our cozy home.

It is often the simple, even mundane things that we should treasure.  There is nothing glamorous (in my mind) about doing laundry.  But when we have had a machine malfunction, we quickly notice and get so frustrated!  I hope I am able to recognize the simple blessings in my life throughout this month…and beyond.

Because #30DaysofGratitude is just the beginning!

Kim Padan - Inspirational Speaker