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Hope in the Lord

4 years ago

302 words

It’s Wednesday! (I almost forgot!) I have been a bit disoriented tonight. I should be working on something, but I keep getting distracted. Truth is, I am not sure where to “start” with something I thought I had finished. Turns out that was just a draft! I am a night-owl, so perhaps my mojo will show up in an hour or so.

I have also been distracted because of the tragic political situation in Afghanistan. And the horrific destruction in Haiti and other island nations due to an earthquake. Covid continues to strike our community, as well as others, and the debate over how to handle it is never-ending. Days like this, I feel exhausted just trying to stay informed. And sometimes on days like this, my prayers feel like tiny grains of sand amidst all the voices and prayers calling out to God. How can He hear us all?

The fact is, He DOES hear us all!! I can’t explain how I know this. I can only give witness to the countless times I have seen the impact of prayer – not just in my life, but in the lives of family and friends. In YOUR lives! Whenever I feel overwhelmed or stuck, I cling to that great virtue of HOPE. I hope for good outcomes, yes. But I also hope for consolations when things seem to go the wrong way. I hope for community to lift each other up here locally, but also on a broader, global level. And I hope for more people to see the evidence of God in our lives – despite our stubbornness and sinfulness He is STILL in our lives! Thanks be to God!

How can I pray for you this week? What are you hoping for? Share below, or send me a private message.

Kim Padan - Inspirational Speaker