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What a Road Trip!

9 years ago

316 words

14079890_1372506529445939_289693367632423950_nSaturday, Bruce and I returned from a wonderful two week vacation.  We traveled to the southwest region to see one of his brothers, and one of mine.  Along the way, we also saw several national parks and two of my online stamping friends.  Upon returning, I posted a picture of our odometer:  4000.8 miles!  We love these long road trips!  And we thank God for the freedom to be able to take these trips.

We started vacation with a family reunion; specifically,  the 50th Annual Holdener Family Reunion  This is Bruce’s mother’s side, and we were joined by about 250 other people!  Big family tree!!  Not to be outdone, my mother-in-law Dorothy received a certificate for having the most children:  Nine.  Two are in heaven, and the other seven continue to give her cause for both laughter and tears here on earth!

We then drove through Missouri, Kansas, and Colorado, caught the tip of Utah at Four Corners, went down to Arizona, across New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and a tip of Arkansas before going back through Missouri and Illinois to our home on the eastern state line.  Whew!

I hope to post more details later; I’m still catching up on the homefront.  But I just had to make a quick note here.  Many of our adventures were at national parks, many over plates of yummy food with family.  Even the drive itself was fun as we listened to an audio book for many miles one week, and I read another out loud the next week.  We prayed in the car, we attended Mass in a big, new church, and we enjoyed breathtaking views of God’s creation.  My word for the trip was #Spectacular.  Once I sort through the hundreds of photos Bruce took, I will let you see how #Spectacular it truly was!

What’s your favorite vacation spot?  Feel free to share memories in the comments below!


Kim Padan - Inspirational Speaker