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9 years ago

402 words

ps 145 every day i will bless

I started this post last week with the intention of having it go live yesterday.  That way, it would coordinate with my Wednesday prayer posting on Facebook.  Alas, I forgot that I was going to be out of town both Tuesday and Wednesday; guess that means I need to coordinate my advance posting better!

Yesterday’s reading from Psalms is one of my favorites.  I’ll be honest; it’s a favorite because of some musical versions I have sung at church.  But it is also a favorite because of the overwhelmingly uplifting tone.  Every day I will bless God…not just good days, but every day!

I remember as a teen being taught about the importance of beginning any prayer time with praise and adoration.  Perhaps my Confirmation teacher realized how much teens like to ask for stuff, and so it would seem almost counter-intuitive to start with something like, “God You are so awesome!”  I believed I understood that praise should be first on our lips, but I was a lonely teen, desperately wanting acceptance from my peers and struggling with the limits of my disability.  Other than liturgical prayer, my words always seemed to be “Please God…” or “Why God?” or fortunately (sometimes) “Thank you God.”  I can’t imagine, at that age, being able to utter words such as St. Faustina’s prayer

“I believe, I adore, I trust, and I love Thee…”

So, when I look at this psalm proclaiming “EVERY day I will bless you,” it is a beautiful reminder.  Yes, some days are harder than others.  Arthritis bothers my hip, or Bruce has to work another long shift cutting into weekend plans, or the weather is awful…it is so easy to think of problems.  But blessing God in spite of those problems…my hip hurts, but at least I still have feeling in my body; Bruce has to work, but at least he has a very good job that he enjoys and that provides for us; the weather may be bad, but we live in a house that protects us from the elements.

I am trying to remember to utter words of blessing and praise before anything else when I wake up.  That’s tough for this 50-year-old body!  But even if I repeat someone else’s words…like David’s from the Psalms or St.Faustina’s…I am bound to have a day filled with more blessing than I can imagine!

Kim Padan - Inspirational Speaker