Dusting things off here, and what better way to do that then to link up with #WorthRevisit posts! This way, I don’t have to write anything new tonight…yay! This post was originally posted on September 11, 2016 and I felt it was timely for today. I will be linking up on Reconciled to You and Theology…
Back to School Evangelization
Today, my fourth (and final) Called to Witness column was published in The Catholic Post. I have enjoyed this writing project, and might pick it up again in the future. However, at this time, I am getting ready to serve as the President of the Peoria Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. With my added duties,…
Summertime Evangelization!
Yesterday, my third installment of Called to Witness was published in The Catholic Post. This is a continuation of my project to connect parishes with the evangelizaton efforts of the National Council of Catholic Women. This time, I focused on ways to share our faith during the hectic summer season. You can check out the…
Advent & the Year of Mercy
I am excited to be starting a periodic column in The Catholic Post; the official diocesan paper for Peoria. It is related to my work as PDCCW Evangelization Chair. Here is a link to the issue. My article is on page 17…something my husband has already shared on Facebook! So grateful for his support! Ways…