So, I had major plans for a major launch with multiple episodes on a new website. Best laid plans, yada yada… But I am still learning so much about how to do all the tech stuff. I have lots of audio files that need editing, because, well, I like to talk. My first episode mentions…
My Heart is Broken

I completely skipped over my usual Wednesday post, even on Facebook. I have just felt so exhausted by the amount of violence and anger in our society. The verdict came out in the trial over the death of George Floyd. Some people are cheering, others are angry, still others (like me) think there are so…
Women Helping Women

March 25, 2020, the Solemnity of the Annunciation, was the 25th anniversary of the promulgation of Evangelium Vitae, or “The Gospel of Life.” This beautiful encyclical written by Pope Saint John Paul II speaks clearly about the intrinsic value of human life. In an effort to celebrate the 25th anniversary, the United States Conference of…
Every Baby Matters

I don’t follow Hollywood people or news much. Half the time, if something shows up on my newsfeed I don’t even know who the people are. But over the last couple of days, I have seen a lot about Chrissy Teigen and John Legend losing their preborn son due to miscarriage. The couple has posted…
#WorthRevisit: Why We March

It’s Wednesday, and that means it is time for another #WorthRevisit post. This weekend is the March for Life in Chicago, but Bruce and I won’t be attending. I think I will start scheduling some tweets and contacting my friends at Students for Life Illinois, just to be there in spirit! This post is from…