It’s another Wednesday! My heart and mind are filled with thoughts of friends and family experiencing hard times. Sickness of a child. Struggles in a new job. Death of a loved one.
Each of us, at one time or another, is heavily burdened with something. But God promises He will help us carry the burden. He will give us rest. It may not come immediately, but He keeps His promises!
For my part, I want to pray that you feel some reprieve from your own particular struggle. It doesn’t even have to be serious. Earlier this week, I cleaned out a single drawer by tossing a bunch of old make-up! I have stared at the mess for far longer than I care to admit, knowing I should just take care of it. I finally did, and it felt great! Sometimes we are weighed down LITERALLY by junk, and throwing it away can give a sense of relief. (Now I need to pick another area to clear!)
So, whether your struggle is mundane like household clutter or more serious like a chronic illness, I want to pray for you. Post a note below or send me a message.