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#FridayFavorites: Tea Time!

7 years ago

548 words

I’m doing something a bit different today, and as the hashtag indicates, I hope to continue this on a regular basis.  I’ll share one of my favorite things, and see where my thoughts wander.  These probably won’t be very serious thoughts, but that can be a good thing!

Earlier this month, I discovered that January is National Hot Tea Month.  It seems there is a national just-about-everything month, week or day, doesn’t it?  I’m not surprised that January has the honor of being the month for hot tea; many of us across the US love the stuff when winter days are so cold.  I remember as a child, my mom would let us drink hot tea occasionally as a treat.  Specifically, she would serve Bigelow’s Constant Comment, a delicious black tea flavored with orange and spice.  Back then, it was expensive for us, so we didn’t drink it often.  I have memories of my great-grandpa Blosky, who lived with us for a few years, calling it “witches brew” and I have no idea why!  He put a little bit of milk in his tea, and I would too…if I was drinking with him.  On my own, I seem to recall I only used a bit of sugar, and that is what I still do today.

As a young adult in college, I had a tight budget, and only purchased the least expensive tea bags.  They didn’t seem bad, and I still felt special when I opted for an orange spice or blackberry tea.  Whatever it was, a cup of hot tea made me cozy.  I drank tea while studying, while watching tv…pretty much all the time.  I rarely drank alcohol (still can’t stand the taste of beer to this day) so my beverage of choice set me apart from many of my friends.  Even coffee is something I didn’t enjoy until the last five years or so.  These days, I might have a cup of coffee (or usually an instant blend my sister calls “fake coffee”) in the morning, but you can find me with hot or iced tea almost all day.  I continue to enjoy Constant Comment, but also love lemon tea, English Breakfast, Irish Breakfast, and an occasional Earl Grey.

I have recently found myself hooked on several British dramas on Netflix.  Of course, you can’t get through an episode without several scenes adorned with pretty tea cups, whistling kettles, or a plate of scones or “biscuits.”  As far as I know, I don’t have British blood in me, but I do enjoy tea time with friends every now and then. When I took the photo for this post, I realized this poor cup of tea needs some company.  I think it’s time to call some friends and set up a few dates!

Sometimes, it is the simple things in life that bring us comfort and consolation.  A cup of spiced tea, a conversation with a friend…tangible gifts that we can taste, smell, hear, see, and touch.  All gifts from the Father above!

Well shucks.  I started getting serious for a moment!  Time to step away from the keyboard!  I’d love to hear what some of your favorite things are below.  And if you love tea, feel free to suggest your favorite blends.

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Kim Padan - Inspirational Speaker