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Brief thoughts for a Brief Week of Advent!

7 years ago

332 words

The Liturgical Calendar is interesting this year, with Christmas falling on a Monday.  Today is the Fourth Sunday of Advent, but we will be in Christmastime by nightfall!  I think it is a bit ironic, since I was feeling unprepared for Advent, let alone Christmas this year.  But it almost feels like a reminder that Christ will come “like a thief in the night,” meaning at any moment..soon or years from now.  This morning in his homily, our pastor encouraged us to take these last few hours of Advent and put them to good use.  As I listened, I nodded in agreement, and wondered how I should frame my day.  Sure, there is food to prepare, and gifts that still need wrapping.  I know many people will be on the road or in the air traveling to their holiday destination.  These are all good things, but they are even better when our hearts are fixed on Christ.

So as Bruce and I cook today, I will offer thanksgiving for the abundance of food we have and the family we will share food with throughout this week.

As I wrap gifts, I will reflect on the special people in my life who are such a treasure to me.  I will also be mindful of the need to offer myself to God the Father again, and to be joyful for the true and beautiful gift of His Son Jesus Christ.

And as we prepare for family visits throughout the 12 Days of Christmas, I will pray for safe travels for everyone, but also for those who may be alone this Christmas.  I am hoping to take some time this week to visit or call some individuals who have been on my heart.

The psalm today is one of my favorites…”Forever I will sing the goodness of the Lord.”  Reflecting on the goodness of faith and family is a wonderful way to prepare for the coming of Christ every single day of our lives!

Kim Padan - Inspirational Speaker