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New Year, New Post

8 years ago

533 words

So, it’s been a couple of months since I have written here.  I’d like to say this was a planned sabbatical of sorts, but it wasn’t.  My mind was just cluttered with some holiday projects for home and church, plus a general sleepiness I get in the dreariness of winter.  Am I awake now?  Only through the benefit of caffeine!

In all seriousness, I have been thinking a lot over these first two weeks of the new calendar year.  I realize we all need time to refocus and regroup occasionally, and that time for me is now.  While my mini epiphany coincides with the start of 2017, it’s more than that.  I look at my various projects for the church and diocese, in my craft room, and even unfinished posts for this blog.  2016 was a good but exhausting year with many things left incomplete.  My health has taken a hit, which is certainly a contributing factor.  But God has gifted me, all of us, with another day. We are not promised tomorrow, but will we do with today?

And so, I have pretty paper selected for a new prayer journal…I have a list of books I hope to read…I have two short pieces I have been asked to write for publication…and my husband and I have shifted our prayer time to coordinate with his new work schedule.  It is my hope that 2017 will be a year filled with doing things I believe God has called me to do.

I read a quote attributed to EWTN founder, Mother Angelica.  She said. “I’m not afraid to fail,…I’m scared to death of dying and having the Lord say to me, ‘Angelica, this is what you might have done had you trusted more.'”  Ouch.  If you are like me, you are well acquainted with procrastination and distraction.  You know, as I know, that we could do so much more if we just focused on the task at hand.  We could be more fruitful in all aspects of life if we learned to trust God even more.  I ask myself, how could I possibly write a book?  How in the world will I lose weight with all my mobility issues?  All the while, the psalms ring in my head…

Trust God at all times, my people!  Pour out your hearts to God our refuge!

Psalm 62:9

This has always been my favorite psalm, but I realize how much more I need to embrace the full message.  Trust God at ALL times.  Not some of the time.  Not when it is easy or convenient.  ALL times.  I need to trust that God has already equipped me with what I need to do the things He has put in my heart.  Now it is time to move forward, even if slowly.  For me that means read more, write more, exercise more, BE more the woman God has called me to be.  This is not a new year’s resolution.  This is my proclamation as a Child of God!

How has the start of 2017 been for you?  Share your thoughts below.  And let me know how I can pray for you.  My new journal needs some new entries!


Kim Padan - Inspirational Speaker