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Praying with the Psalms

10 years ago

300 words

Ps 5 Morning prayerFor the last few months, I have been posting about prayer time on my personal Facebook page each Wednesday.  I invite people to list prayer requests on the thread, or in a private message.  I was inspired to do this by several ministry friends, and it has truly been a blessing.

I have been keeping a prayer journal, and periodically I contact people directly for updates.  On occasion, my friends contact me directly with their own “praise reports.” It brings me joy to hear how God has moved in their lives.

Many of the prayer notes I make in my journal are based on general FB comments…an upcoming surgery, job hunt, a sick child…there is never a shortage of prayer needs!

I still need to grow in my discipline of prayer.  I feel as though I am great at those quick impromptu prayers when I hear of someone’s need.  But to sit quietly for a lengthy time…to wait on the Lord…that is something to work on!  My prayer journal is a step in the right direction, but I am definitely a work in progress.

I also love to pray with the Psalms.  I always have.  I think that is why I enjoyed being a cantor years ago.  The Psalms come from the heart expressing joy, sorrow, exhaustion, hurt, fear, hope… I treasure the Psalms in the liturgical prayer of the Church.  But I also lean on them in my private prayer time.

So, I have decided to focus on them more in my posts here.  I’ll even share some of my husband’s beautiful photos along the way!

What are your favorite ways to pray?  Do you keep a journal?  How about a special prayer corner in your home?  Feel free to share your ideas below!


Kim Padan - Inspirational Speaker