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7 Quick Takes’ Debut on Gabriel’s Mom

11 years ago

797 words

Over at my other blog, I joined in the Friday “7 Quick Takes” made popular by blogger/speaker/writer Jennifer Fulwiler. I read her conversion story earlier this summer; it was funny, inspiring, and heart-warming. The idea is to post about 7 random things, nothing too serious. It’s been a while since I have “played,” but I thought I would join the fun on this, my first Friday of my new site!

— 1 —

I have had a bizarre week, schedule-wise. My husband has been working 3rd shift, which is generally 11:00 pm to 7:00. However, he also had overtime, so he went in at 7:00 each evening for a 12 hour shift. Now, I’m a night owl and have been for years, but I just could not settle down for sleep at a decent hour. It’s like I was waiting for Bruce to come home. Much of the work I did on this site was done between 10 pm and 2 am. Crazy. It’s like being in college again…except I’m not in college. I can’t handle being up so late! I am too tired in the morning, eating at weird times…good grief. Thankfully, Bruce returns to 1st shift after the long weekend!

— 2 —

So yes, it has been a strange week, but it brought many things to mind, most importantly the need for a grateful heart. I am grateful Bruce has a job! The reason he worked nights this week is because of a nasty bacterial infection (not contagious, and he didn’t even feel sick) that required IV medication 2 times a day…and the medicine worked! I am grateful his work place allowed him to switch shifts so he didn’t have to use vacation time. I am grateful that I have been home during this time so I can see him while he has been awake. Shucks, I am grateful I have my wonderful husband!

— 3 —

This is kinda cool…as I am typing this, Jennifer Fulwiler is giving her testimony on EWTN’s “Women of Grace” hosted by Johnette Benkovic.

— 4 —

Last weekend, Bruce and I went to see “The Giver” at our local cinema. Wow. Very powerful! To be honest, I was completely unfamiliar with the book. What got me interested in the movie were posts on Facebook from some of my prolife heroes. Kristan Hawkins of Students for Life America posted something to the effect of “If you don’t have plans to see The Giver this weekend, change your plans!” I am so glad we went…the film was thought-provoking. The way human life was viewed and treated was tragic, and it served as an important warning to modern society. So now, I am saying go to see “The Giver.” Then be sure to stop by here and tell me what you thought of it!

— 5 —

Despite having all the time in the world this week, including the wee hours of the morning, my house is a mess. I haven’t stamped since Monday, but those supplies are still out. I haven’t done laundry. My office supplies are scattered as I searched for materials to use on this site. I have never been a neat freak. Frankly my house was cleaner when I had a house full of foster kids! Organization was a must with school, counseling appointments, family visits, and other things for kids from different biological homes. Everyone helped keep things clean. I did walk better then, so it was easier to do more…now I just “Let it Go!” I should get back on a better routine next week. In the meantime, if anyone wants to come by, please let me know.

— 6 —

While I started typing this (Thursday night), I was craving cookies…or cinnamon rolls…or chocolate cake. None to be found. I always crave sweets when I am writing. This does not bode well for my waistline, having a new blog and all. I ended up eating 2 Quaker Chewy granola bars. My husband works at Quaker, and we have a large sack of bars in their 2 new flavors. Chocolate strawberry. Yum. I hope they are successful, as that would mean more job security for everyone at the Danville plant! I’ll eat more over this Labor Day weekend, thinking of everyone who works long hours to make my late night snacks.

— 7 —

I’m hoping to spend some time this weekend making Christmas cards. Yes, Christmas cards. I have about 3 dozen made (12 of 3 designs) plus a few other individual cards that I hope to duplicate. Certainly not a traditional Labor Day weekend activity for many…but I can hardly wait!

That’s it for me today. Nothing earth-shattering. But that is the idea; to rejoice in simple blessings. What a great way to enjoy LIFE!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

Kim Padan - Inspirational Speaker