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How Does Your Garden Grow?

9 years ago

360 words

may 20 002My home office has smelled lovely this week.  The lilac bushes and peonies are in full bloom!  Bruce has cut some flowers for me to enjoy in my space.  Nearly every flat surface is covered now with an unfinished project or items that need to be reorganized (this room serves as an office and craft room…and exercise room when I discipline myself!)  Fortunately, I had a shelf cleared on my display wall.  Usually, I place some of my handcrafted cards on this shelf, but the flowers look much better!

My lilacs are from a small bush we got just a couple of years ago.  It’s called “L’il Miss Kim.”  How perfect is that?  It’s supposed to be a miniature or dwarf plant, but this past weekend, I saw one outside my sister-in-law’s house (one of them…I have several sisters-in-law!), and it was huge!  Yes, I am hoping my miniature shrub will surprise us, too!  We also got our peonies a couple of years ago.  I love the contrast of the bright fuschia against the white.

Bruce has also been busy potting some plants from a local garden center.  Lilies, petunias, dahlias, marigolds…so many pretty colors.  Flowers make me happy.

Perhaps you are wondering why I am writing about this.  Good question. Outdoor flower pot The reality is that many times I write about serious issues or heartfelt emotions.  Things can get pretty intense in the blogosphere.  Sometimes, we need to take time out to literally stop and smell the roses.

Or lilacs.  Or peonies.

When my husband brought the first batch of lilacs in, it was a complete surprise.  I didn’t ask him to do it.  He just did, because he knows that flowers make me happy.  Having a husband who takes time out for simple gestures like that also makes me happy.  Simple, authentic love.

I considered searching for some profound quotes from heroes of the faith about love and marriage…or beautiful passages in scripture about God’s creation.  But instead, I just want to stop and look at pretty flowers…made by God, nurtured by my husband.  Somehow, it just seemed special enough to share with you.


One Reply to “How Does Your Garden Grow?”

  1. I love the peonies! Such a lush flower! We have some on the side of our house — and I believe that John-Paul’s mom actually planted them when they lived in this house a loooooong time ago 🙂

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Kim Padan - Inspirational Speaker